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How to weld the flange correctly? What is the difference between flat welding and double welding?


In daily engineering, how to correctly weld flanges with effective techniques has become a key issue for many technical departments. Today, I will talk about how to weld flanges and the things to pay attention to during the welding process.

Flange, insulated flange, also known as flange or flange. A flange is a component that connects a pipeline to the end of the pipeline. Flange connection refers to the foldable connection between washers and bolts, which serves as a combination of sealing structures. Pipeline flanges are flanges used for pipelines in pipeline installations. We can also see the inlet and outlet flanges of the equipment. There are holes on the flange, and bolts tightly connect the two flanges. Of course, the flange must be sealed with a gasket. Flange thread connection (wire connection) flange and welding flange.

The difference between "flat welding" and "double welding" of flanges:

Flat welding of flanges is mainly used for flat welding of flanges. Butt welding is mainly used for welding flanges.

The difference between flat welding flanges and butt welding flanges lies in whether there is a neck; Flat welded flanges require only one flange ring. When welding with the nozzle, the welding angle should be 90, which we call flat welding. Butt welded flanges have flange necks related to flat welded flanges.

The flange neck has the same diameter as the nozzle, and the nozzle is butt welded. When the flange is connected, the interface should be in a 45 ° groove (or other angles depending on the process), with the nozzle and flange neck at a 180 ° angle, and directly welded to the groove. This is called butt welding.

We can remember and understand that flat welding is 90 degrees, and butt welding is 180 degrees.

How to detect welds?

The non-destructive testing methods after welding are different and can be tested by machines.
